Management of other types

Section «Settings»

In this article, we will review the settings for the types "Unpaid vacation" "Business trip," "Overtime," "Work on holidays" "Night shift," "Rescheduling" since their configuration options are identical. We will also explore their differences for request creation.

General settings 

You can configure these settings on the page for each specific absence type in the "Settings" section.

For each of the types mentioned above, there are identical settings:

  • Maximum days for request - the maximum number of vacation days an employee can specify in a single request.

  • Permission to make a request for part-time work day - an option that allows creating a request for part of a day (in hours) instead of a full day.

  • Mandatory comment on request – an option that prevents an employee from submitting a request without adding a comment.

  • Person in charge by default - setting the list of default responsible persons for the request who can leave comments, reactions, etc.

For more details on the logic of assigning responsible persons, refer to the article "Responsible list settings"

  • Comment visibility for a person in charge - the assigned responsible person will be able to see all comments related to the request, but only within their scope.

  • Comment visibility for an employee - the employee who made the request can see comments from all users on their request.

Differences in request

However, each type of absence has its own peculiarities, namely:

  • All these 6 types ("Unpaid vacation," "Business trip," "Overtime," "Work on holidays" "Night shift," "Rescheduling") do not form balances in the system but are considered in the Payroll section when calculating salaries.

  • When creating an "Overtime" request, the employee can choose the day and duration of the overtime.

  • To create a "Work on holidays" request, you can only select a weekend or a holiday. If you attempt to create it on a regular working day, the employee will receive an error.

  • When creating a "Rescheduling" request, the employee needs to first choose the working period they need for absence and then select the non-working time when they plan to make up for this time.

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