Careers site

Section «Job openings»

The "Career Site" tab significantly expands the recruiter's capabilities. Thanks to it, they can broaden the sources of candidate acquisition, clearly track how many candidates are obtained from a specific source, and collect feedback in one system.

Posting a job vacancy on the career site

To make a vacancy available on the career site, it needs to be made public in the "Career Site" tab.

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The option places job vacancies only in the "In Progress" and "Open" statuses.
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If the system is integrated with, after posting an IT job vacancy on the public page, it will also be posted on

Receiving feedback

After posting a job vacancy on the career site, you can share the link to the vacancy on the necessary platforms (such as DOU, LinkedIn, etc.). To do this, select the source of future feedback from the list and copy the link with a tag that will indicate to the system where the candidate responded from.

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When posting links on the career page, we recommend first familiarizing yourself with the rules of the portal where you plan to post the link. For example, on Djinni, you cannot redirect candidates to other portals, but you can scan reviews from it using our AI Fox plugin.

When receiving feedback from a candidate, the system checks it for duplicates, after which it adds a new card to the vacancy or updates the card of an existing candidate.

If a candidate has not previously responded and has attached a resume file on the career site, HURMA will separately parse the candidate's CV and populate the card with this information.

Forming a recruitment sources list

If the necessary sources are not available in the list, they can be added through the "Add" button.

If you use additional analytics systems, when creating a source, you can also specify parameters such as "Source," "Medium," and "Campaign."

Filtering candidates by addition method/source

On the "Candidates" page, there is an option to filter candidates by sources using the following parameters:

  • addition method: The way the candidate was added to the vacancy (manually, integration, career site, AI Fox, and API).

  • addition source: The portal or social network from which the feedback was received (LinkedIn,, Instagram, etc.).

You can also view the list of candidates from a specific source by navigating from the job vacancy or from the recruiting sources efficiency report and clicking on the desired source.

Recruiting sources efficiency report

Collecting analytics is crucially important for tracking the effectiveness of your recruitment efforts. It's important to specify tags as this will show detailed results of your candidate sourcing efforts.

You can view a concise report on sources on the job vacancy page under the "General" tab.

A detailed report with the ability to filter by branches, vacancies, method/channel of addition, and response date is available in the "Statistics" section, under the "Recruiting sources efficiency" report. In this report, you can also see the number of candidates who have been moved to the "Accepted offer" stage.

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