Polls templates

Section «Polls»

You can create templates for future use. Survey templates are editable, allowing you to customize them to suit your needs. Additionally, options such as "Duplicate" and "Delete" are available for templates, providing flexibility in managing them.

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If a template is being used in a survey, it cannot be deleted until that survey is deleted. Additionally, standard templates like eNPS and Q12 cannot be edited or deleted.

Creating a template

You can create a template in the "Templates" tab by clicking on the "Create" button.

After this, the template creation page will open, where the following options will be available:

  • Title- a mandatory field to fill in;

  • Poll type - three types of surveys are available: general, employee assessment, candidate assessment (when assessing employees and candidates, the option to choose who is being evaluated is available);

  • Description - survey description;

  • Sections:

    • Section name (page with a list of questions) - a mandatory field;

    • Description - field for additional section description, available upon activating the "Description" checkbox;

    • Questions;

    • +Image - button to add an image for the question;

    • Question Type - manual answer (text), selection of one or more available response options (multiple-choice), rating, or one from the list;

    • Answer is required - when activated, makes the question mandatory; the employee will not be able to complete the survey without answering such a question;

    • Description - question description;

Add Section" buttons add a new question to the section and a new section, respectively.


eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) is a method of assessment that allows organizations to measure employee loyalty.

When creating a new survey from the template list, you can select eNPS. This template includes one question: "How likely are you to recommend working at the company to your friends or acquaintances?"

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Also, when creating a survey, you have the option to add questions by adding another question section.

How eNPS is calculated

First, employees are divided into three groups:

  • Promoters - those who rate 9 or 10.

  • Neutrals ( Passively satisfied ) - those who rate 7 or 8.

  • Critics ( Detractors )- those who rate 0 to 6.

Then, the formula is applied:

eNPS = % Promoters - % Detractors

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Employees who rate 7 or 8 are not included in the calculation because they occupy a neutral position.

What constitutes a good eNPS score

  • If the eNPS index in your company is negative, it means there are more detractors than promoters. Consequently, the company may face challenges in employee engagement.

  • A positive eNPS indicates that you have more promoters than detractors, which is excellent. It's worth finding out what your employees like so that you can use it to attract and retain talent.

The result can range from -100 to +100, but keep in mind that you shouldn't focus too much on the numbers. It's essential to pay much more attention to the responses (if a separate field for comments was added), where employees will write about what needs to be changed or improved. That's where the real value of this survey lies.

Any positive result is considered normal. Concern should arise if the index is less than -10.

Gallup Q12

When creating a new survey from the template list, you can select Q12.

Gallup researchers have spent decades writing and testing hundreds of questions because their wording and order are critical in accurately determining the level of engagement. The result of their research is Gallup Q12. These are 12 questions that measure the most critical elements of employee engagement.

Gallup has studied the results of surveys of over 35 million employees worldwide. Gallup's Q12 survey is the most effective indicator of employee engagement and its impact on the results that are most important to your business.

Areas of inquiry

Questions are presented in a continuous list, but they can be categorized into four groups based on work domains:

Career and development

Employee engagement surveys concern not only the role an employee plays but also their career. These three questions will help understand if the employee feels fulfilled in their work.

Organization mission and purpose

It's vital for team members to see how their time and effort contribute to the company's mission. The success of the company's mission depends partly on whether team members understand not only the mission itself but also their significance. Analytical company Gartner states that questions about mission and goals are among the most important for any employee engagement survey.

Recognition and values

Every team member wants recognition and praise for good work, but the fast pace of work in highly competitive industries may affect employee engagement: praise may be subtle or entirely absent. This set of questions helps assess whether your recognition and values program is working.

Interpersonal relationships

Employees perform better when they have friends at work. Assessing how colleagues generally feel about each other is also critical for productivity and identifying areas where effectiveness may be diminished by difficult relationships with toxic colleagues.

Analysis of Gallup Q12 survey responses

Initially, the system calculates:

  • T - the total number of responses;

  • P - the number of "yes" responses.

Then the formula is applied:

Engagement index = (P*100%)/T


297 people participated in the survey. First, we determine the total number of questions for all participants: 297 12 = 3564. This number represents our 100%. After counting, it turned out that there were 2743 "yes" responses. Based on this, we calculate the percentage: (2743 100%) / 3564 = 77%.


We can consider a high level of engagement when the percentage exceeds 70%. Generally, 50% or more is a satisfactory result, but there is room for improvement. Serious concerns should arise if the engagement level is less than 50%.

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