Managing scripts and reports

Section «Scripts»

Active scripts

All active scripts can be viewed in the "Active" tab. On this page, you can cancel, edit, delete or open the scenario's page.

On the script's page, you can work with actions - complete, edit, and open them to edit or leave/view comments.

Also, in the editing mode of the script, you can delete certain actions and change their order.

warning icon
It's important to note that once a step has begun, you won't have the option to delete or change the order of actions within that step.


In the "Archive" tab, all completed and canceled scripts are stored. By accessing a script from the archive, you can review at which stage it was canceled.

Also, in a canceled script, there is an option to restore it.

Deletion of scenarios

Deletion can be performed for both active and archived sripts.

When deleting, you can choose an option that removes the entire history of actions for the script from the system, including the history related to them in the employee profile - in the "Actions" tab.

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